LOKI A1055010
"New Beginnings" - Stories About Saved NYC Shelter AnimalsWe are positively thrilled to report that Loki from the 10/31 at risk list (who was sadly surrendered when his former owner was evicted) was adopted directly from the shelter by his new mum, Jenn who absolutely adores him!!! Here’s more of the happy “tail:” My huge-hearted friend, a PODR volunteer who works tirelessly to save cats asked if we would consider another at-risk kitty (like our Toby was) and suggested checking out this profile of Loki. I was hesitant but I am SO HAPPY I put those worries aside. Loki is an amazing, affectionate, sweet sweet boy. He also lives up to his namesake as he showed me he knows how to open cabinets by using his paws as if they were hands, lol!!! Right now is housed in our bathroom as he recovers from his cold (Loki’s “crime” at the ACC—they were ready to kill him a day after being diagnosed with a cold). Our other kitties all seem calm and curious, and we are excited for them all to meet once Loki is feeling all better!
Thank you PODR for giving me the nudge, we are SO grateful to have this sweet boy in our family. To all my friends reading this–please consider adopting a shelter animal (or 2 or 3 or 4!;) ). There are so many loving cats and dogs abandoned at shelters that deserve a loving home. In the New York area, you can check out the Pets on Death Row – Urgent Death Row Cats daily for cats that are at-risk to be euthanized the next day….many/most only have colds and just need a little extra TLC for a week or 2 (perhaps even less) to get back to their happy, healthy selves.
Thanks a million, Jenn. We are so glad that Loki is a part of your family!!!
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